Friday, May 28, 2010

Supper Time....

Tonight I harvested some sugar snap peas and bush beans for supper!
We have 8 snap pea plants and 8 bush bean plants that I used for this

This is what I got off of those plants.....still more that was not ready on there!

All I did was rinsed them, cut the ends off, cut them in half and then added them to a steamer basket with a little bit of water on the bottom...this sits in a small pot, with a lid.....about 8-10  minutes on medium (make sure you dont boil away the water)
I then mixed them with butter and some nature seasoning!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Meet my new friends

                      The last few weeks I have gained two new friends.
                  I call them Mr and Mrs.

              Here is Mrs.

Here is Mr.

I am in LOVE

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tropicana Rose 5-19-2010

After the rain today, I just happened to notice how the rain had fallen on my new roses I got for Mother's Day. This picture turned out great, I am very happy with it

Now to figure out where to plant it