Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Cucumber wall

For our cucumbers, we use section of seven foot tall cattle fencing. I plant 3 pickling cucumbers, usually grown inside from seed. I grow  pickling ones just to slice and eat because I just enjoy them more like that~

They love to up upright and I even have to clip some of the ends off because they grow up and past the fence. They then flop over and try to attach to a new spot, getting all tangled up!

Here are some photos! I love to bring them in fresh off, slice them, and eat with ranch!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Third Thursday, July 2010

I was able to show some of my photography in the public for the first time at Hutchinson's Third Thursday.
It's a down town invite aimed at Artists and Musicians

Here is some of the work I shared:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

In love with the Sunset...

I have been having fun with sunsets the last few weeks.

56th and Hendricks area in Hutchinson. The reflection is from the flood water's out there!